Mar 31, 2004

brain explosions

lately i have not been in the mood to do anything. i've been in the mood to be hypnotized by countless hours of zuma and listening to endless playlists of my favorite songs. unfortunately, i am enrolled in school. this really cramps my laid-back no work attitude by making me actually get off my butt and do stuff. this week in particular i have been required to do homework, study, read books, wake up early... TONS of stuff i don't want to do. blah. then, this chemistry test that i had today made me do even more studying, reading, and practicing of chemical equations. this just bummed me out.

so, MORP is friday. "the prince and me" comes out friday. the final four clinic and practice/autograph session is saturday. lots to do this weekend. almost no time to actually get productive work done. how will i ever handle junior year when i'm struggling so much with sophomore year? well, i guess that is one of the mysteries of life.

in other news, i have become addicted to fruit roll-ups. i have replaced my cheese and diet coke in take with massive quatities of fruit roll-ups. not only do these nifty fruit paper snacks come with tongue tattooes, but they also come in all my favorite flavors! however, there are only 10 of these delectable treats per box so i think i should start limiting my daily intake so as to not make my family go bankrupt. the aftermath of this grave situation would include my skin starts turning a bright pink color, my tongue is permanently tattooed with zebra stripes, and me foaming from the mouth for days on end.

this makes me shutter. hmm. maybe a fruit roll-up would calm my nerves...

Mar 27, 2004

if it's not elmers, you got played.

so, went to go see "riders to the sea" at sacred heart on friday. it was umm...good? yeah. i'll stick with good. then, roger, roons, jonathan, allison, elizabeth, meghan, melissa, jen, margaret and i went to CC's. that was fun. yeah, we probably annoyed every single person who was in a 5 block radius from CC's because we were so loud and obnoxious. oh well. hey, that's what i'm here for.

then i slept over at kay's house. and THEN. this morning kay persuaded me to get my hair cut. my beautiful, long hair. that is now just below my shoulder. it's all gone. i'm tearing up just thinking about it.

i must away.

Mar 24, 2004

mobile life and pointlessness... "good things"

today was all-school conge. allison and i worked at a fortune telling booth. first off, neither allison nor i know how to read palms. i think that allison knows more what she's talking about, but i, on the other hand, am just pulling all this stuff out of my butt. so, after setting up for a whopping minute and a half, we have a steady stream of customers. this may seem good to those confused few who think that all-school conge (pronounced kon-jay not conga). it is not fun. first off, everything is free which means that we don't get paid which means that this day is actually the beginnings of child-labor sacred heart style. second, children obviously don't wash their hands enough, not all that bad in everyday life, but when you actually have to touch them- ew. please parents, urge your children to wash and wash often. next off, these demon children seemed to just be reproducing.... they had a never-ending supply of more annoying, sticky (p.s. why are kids always sticky?) children.

after the countless hours (around 2 or 3 tops) of telling small children's fortunes, we got to go to the senior skit. background on the senior skit for those fortunate enough not to have experienced it- it always sucks. the scenery falls apart, no one knows their lines, the costumes are not usually appropriate... the only funny part is actually how bad it is. occasionally the male teachers make appearances in these productions and that gives the audience a break from the horrible acting because they are laughing their BOOTIES off because mr. parten, mr. harik, mr. hegmann, mr. anderson, mr. vacious, and mr. conger (sometimes) are HILARIOUS. no matter what part they play in any of these skits or any production, come to think of it, any time in general, they are really funny. we are blessed with a multitude of funny guy teachers.

back to the play: this year the approach was to try and copy and paste various parts of the infamous "Finding Nemo" script into the skit in a feeble attempt at making the skit funny. long story short- it didn't work. to top it all off, the von trapp family finally make it through the ocean (with the help of the cast of "finding nemo") to the American Idol show where they lose to the Vanilla Ice act done by Heggy, Parten and Conga. The last line of the play is (and i quote), "well, everyone knows that [the von trapp] family should have won." if this isn't bad enough, it was said by Leisal (the oldest von trapp). IT SUCKED. it reaches new levels of suckiness. wow.

that's all, folks.

p.s. i got a cell phone. it's a good thing.

Mar 22, 2004

testing 1...2...3

yesterday night after i returned from life teen and dinner at chevy's with jonathan, i tested out a hypothesis i've been contemplating lately. i sat in my bed and repeated over and over to myself (and i quote), "i don't wanna do homework, i don't wanna do homework, i don't wanna do homework..." surprisingly it worked, i eventually fell asleep leaving my homework, MUCH in need of doing, undone. well, at least i know if you chant "i don't wanna" long enough you probably won't have to.

p.s. yes, abbey youth fest ROCKED and the dance parties after rocked, too, but i didn't hit on any "jesus boys." i just wanted to clear up that little rumor.

Mar 19, 2004

korea + spam - jane = melancholy days

this morning, a south korean woman came to speak at our chapel. now, under normal circumstances, chapel is a major snore-a-thon, but today it was quite entertaining. first off, i couldn't really understand what this lady was saying because she had a "kor-english" (as she called it) accent. because she couldn't always get across her point, she felt the need to use exaggerated hand motions, actually it was more like full-blown BODY motion. one of my favorites was the dramatic "breath-in" motion where she sucked in air like she had just been underwater for at least 5 minutes, threw back her head, put her hands up to her chest, and then made a kind-of scary weezing sound. then she sat there all puffed up and proceeded to explain how we need to give AND take. maybe you had to be there. i'm not sure.

Also, jane left on wednesday around dusk. then, i proceeded to try and persuade myself that this was a good thing: 1. i would get more school work done 2. i would eat less 3. i would watch fewer movies and tv .... the list also included things like being able to play rap louder. however, none of these pros outweigh the one con- jane is gone. :( then, i got home and found the massive hoop earrings, save the last dance (p.s. the BEST movie ever), a picture frame and some pictures, and a puccino's chick (<- probably the coolest). yes, i am sad that jane is gone; it is weird; you don't have to ask me these questions.

also, i have found some pretty interesting spam e-mail messages. i have composed a small reflection/poem about some recent messages.

do you want to meet someone special?
Victoria knows your secret
housewives are waiting for you to show up
survey is in- MEN- enlarge!
Matthew 5:19, "repay your debts"
debt consolidation
with a Christian perspective
your credit shouldn't get in the way of your new job
$10,000 in your name
claim your family treasure
find anyone, anywhere
spyware is installed on your computer

these are just a few of the interesting subject headlines that i have received this week. enjoy!

busy weekend up ahead. mahwash's friday. abbey youth fest saturday. sunday....

Mar 16, 2004

"come on fhqwhgads, everybody to the limit" and other words of wisdom

if you haven't heard, is the cool place to go. strong bad's e-mails rock. teen girl squad is really super cool. and there are some really great songs such as strong bad's "come on fhqwhgads." if you don't know what that is, then you should invest some time in checking out all the cool things that this website has to offer. waste a day or two there. it's worth it.

last night, jane and i watched "donnie darko." that is one crazy movie. you watch it for 2 hours totally confused and freaked out by Frank, the satanic devil....BUNNY, then when you finish, you are even more confused than before. then you proceed to tell everyone about it, have nightmares, and watch it at least 5 more times. it's a visious cycle. i'm just beginning it.

things everyone should hear, probably from this movie:
[To Cherita Chen]
Donnie: I promise, that one day, everything's going to be better for you.

Kitty Farmer: [Tearfully to Rose Darko] Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.

Donnie: I made a new friend today.
Dr. Lilian Thurman: Real or imaginary?
Donnie: Imaginary.

Gretchen: You're weird.
Donnie: Sorry.
Gretchen: No, that was a compliment.

Donnie: Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?
Frank: Why do you wear that stupid man suit?

[Donnie tries to kiss Gretchen and she pulls away]
Donnie: Well I-I, sorry I...
Gretchen: Donnie wait...
Donnie: I like you a lot...
Gretchen: I just want it to be... at a time when... it...
Donnie: When what?
Gretchen: When it reminds me just...
Donnie: When it reminds you of how beautiful the world can be?
Gretchen: Yeah...
[turns her head]
Gretchen: and right now there's some fat guy over there staring at us.

and i saved the best for last:
Kitty Farmer: I'll tell you what he said. He asked me to forcibly insert the Life Line exercise card into my anus.

p.s. my mom is febreezing my cat. that's weird.

Mar 15, 2004

Oh cookies, you cruel mistress

friday night- full of "chess" and pizza shoppe caesar salad without the cheese. jane, jonathan and i met up with roger, roons and colin's girlfriend at the jesuit play. puccino's after with the jon-myster and janie. oh, and jane is a sneaky booger who can get away with stealing chick puffs. what happened when sarah decided to LOOK at the puffs? she got YELLED at. that's right. watch me hate you, jane.

saturday mornin'- HABITAT FOR HUMANITY from 8 - 4:30 where i dug holes, made the beginnings of a fence, spackled the porch's "roof," primed and painted, cleaned brushes, helped put up unused lumber... just tons of good fun. i got REALLLLLY tired and dirty. good, clean fun that is.

Here's the thing: Jonathan called me up like 2 weeks ago and told me that he wanted to host a suprise, going-away party for Jane. Last week, the suprise, going-away party evolved into a suprise, going-away COOKIE party. this then became an ex-surprise, going-away, cookie party for jane. but, hey, it all turned out good. jonathan's mom was amazingly understanding about the whole having rowdy, annoying teenagers over at her house until the wee hours of the morning. there was not only mounds of cookies, pizza, 7-layer dip, and spinach and artichoke dip, but there was ALSO a dobege cake. the guests: roons, jonathan, colin #1, coline #2, roger, luke (a.k.a. the guy who looked like a hobbit), g dawg, melissa, meghan, portman, marcy, allison, elizabeth, jane and i. events of the night: dance dance revolution competitions, vegging out, pictures, karoke, suicide circle, talking, melissa puting porn on jonathan's computer, everyone sneaking into jonathan's room (except me) where they discovered evidence of a massive foot fetish... the usual. allison slept over, so jane, allison and i pulled an all-nighter. literally, we went to sleep at 6 a.m. what we did from 1 to 6? a whole lot of pooting, that's what. oh, and the pressure of perfection (and egyptian rat screw).

sunday- woke up at 2 in the afternoon, homework, life teen, jonathan came over for a mini-family dinner, studied history until 4:30 in the morning (yet again, SOOOO much fun)

p.s. jane and i ran out and "spooned" and "forked" jonathan's yard on saturday night. mission accomplished, jane!

Mar 10, 2004

the anatomy of a laugh

you may not know this, but i am a loud laugher. i am the one in the movie theater who laughs so hard you think blood might shoot out of my nose and i violently clap my hands. i am an obnoxious laugher. i also have a variety of less intense laughs, though. i have the chuckle, the giggle, the silent laugh, the snort, the chortle, and the infamous donkey. i also have numerous faces to accompany these diverse laughs, but i should really just post pictures of those.

however, at dinner tonight, i experienced a laugh even more annoying, obnoxious, loud and generally unpleasant than any laugh i every dared utter. it came from a small, stout, dark man in his late 20s. he was sitting at table with a group of about 5 college or just-graduated-from-college-but-still-wearing-their-fraternity-shirts-and-hats guys. so, the whole table starts laughing as they look at a roll of developed film, and then i hear it. if it had to have a name i think i would call it: the janice. you all know the not-so-welcome character on the hit tv series friends.... janice. she is annoying, and her laugh has a life all it's own. so, i thought that this guy just had a really unfortunate laugh. no, sarah was mistaken again. not only did this not-so-good-looking guy have a horrible laugh that would scare any woman away, but he also had a very annoying voice. i tried to out-do him by laughing REALLY loud, clapping my hands, and doing the infamous swaying back and forth motion that sometimes happens before, during or after my loudest laughs. it didn't even phase him. he just kept on laughing. perhaps it was a good thing. his laugh is so loud that he probably couldn't even hear all of the rest of the world laughing at him.

Mar 8, 2004

Eat my shorts

Hey bloggers! Yeah, I know that sounds stupid, but anyway, Sarah has added me, Elizabeth, onto her blog so that I can add entries and stuff. I had something really funny to say this morning but I forgot what it was. Well, just wanted to share the exciting news. (thanks Sarah!) OH, and I hope you have all checked out the Ode to Enrique. I myself think that is one of the masterpieces of DFILMS cinema, and it stars Sarah herself!!! NOw, why would you not want to see that?

living without my love-- cheese

Yes, for lent, i gave up the "ungive-up-able"- cheese AND soft drinks. if you do not know me (which you probably do because it would be most strange if random peope read this, but cool), i am addicted to cheese and my precious diet coke. if you have never given up cheese or you just take for granted all cheesy goodness found in our world, cheese is in the following products: nachos, macaroni and cheese, doritos, cheetos, most mexican food, most italian food, most sandwiches, most pastas, pizza, good omlets, cheeseburgers, mozzerela sticks, cheese fries... the list goes on. now, this may have already been evident to some of you, but i never realized how frequently i eat cheese. diet coke is the same situation. it is frickin' everywhere. and so yummy.

weekend update:
friday- confessions of a teenage drama queen then hanging out my house with margarita and jane. what was i thinking when i said i wanted to see that movie?

saturday- lying around, going to oak alley with jane and kay, going to the grocery (and seeing charlie), cooking dinner with jonathan and jane, smush-ins from marble slab (and chilling with mike), center stage with jonathan (jane refused to watch it with us)

sunday- homework, sailing, nursing my injured boo, life teen, homework, sleep until 4:30 when i woke up and started studying again

in other news, i need new jeans. also, feel free to contribute to the "sarah fund" it is accepting gift certificates, money, checks, and cool stuff in general.

p.s. i need a tan. i laid out yesterday on the boat and still no tan.

good times-
- the guys who tried to pick jane, kay and i at sonic on the way back from oak alley
- jane going out with charlie (from breaux mart)
- and cheating on him with mike (from marble slab)

check out elizabeth's ode to enrique. it rocks.

Mar 2, 2004

Slipping on the Laser Tag Ranks

Hmm... first day back to school. my mommy wouldn't let me drive to school even though i got my permit yesterday (w00t). well, she said i could drive home though. that is unless she makes elizabeth drive me home. that sneaky woman. sneaky sneaky. hmm... yeah, so last night i did the unthinkable, the unimaginable-- i've conquered stage 8 in zuma. only 1 more stage until i have defeated the ultimate zuma masters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, i am a sad loser. it's okay, i know that you still want to be as cool as me.

sunday- did stuff. went to confession with padre joe (p.s. confession = telling all of the bad things i've ever done to one person and have them tell me how bad i've been). went to krispy kreme with jane, elizabeth and lumiere-maurice and watching the rest of the oscars. mmmm..... hobbits.

On Saturday night, Jane, Jonathan and I went to Laser Tag. For all of you who might not be acquantined with me (or my awesome laser tag abilities), i rock at laser tag. some might venture to say "the laser tag queen." even though i recently went with jane and allison and placed first in all three of our games, i did not fair so well on my last adventure there. i placed 4th, 11th, and 17th. I believe that i may have lost my touch. It may have been because i might not have been in the mood, or perhaps because i was not against small children and old men this time but rather, able-bodied teenage boys. for whatever reason, i am deeply disturbed that i have started sucking. i did still get a few "she's a beast" comments from fellow "laser-tagger" boys around my age. w00t. i've still got the ability to scare people, at least. well, religion beckons. i must away.