Mar 24, 2004

mobile life and pointlessness... "good things"

today was all-school conge. allison and i worked at a fortune telling booth. first off, neither allison nor i know how to read palms. i think that allison knows more what she's talking about, but i, on the other hand, am just pulling all this stuff out of my butt. so, after setting up for a whopping minute and a half, we have a steady stream of customers. this may seem good to those confused few who think that all-school conge (pronounced kon-jay not conga). it is not fun. first off, everything is free which means that we don't get paid which means that this day is actually the beginnings of child-labor sacred heart style. second, children obviously don't wash their hands enough, not all that bad in everyday life, but when you actually have to touch them- ew. please parents, urge your children to wash and wash often. next off, these demon children seemed to just be reproducing.... they had a never-ending supply of more annoying, sticky (p.s. why are kids always sticky?) children.

after the countless hours (around 2 or 3 tops) of telling small children's fortunes, we got to go to the senior skit. background on the senior skit for those fortunate enough not to have experienced it- it always sucks. the scenery falls apart, no one knows their lines, the costumes are not usually appropriate... the only funny part is actually how bad it is. occasionally the male teachers make appearances in these productions and that gives the audience a break from the horrible acting because they are laughing their BOOTIES off because mr. parten, mr. harik, mr. hegmann, mr. anderson, mr. vacious, and mr. conger (sometimes) are HILARIOUS. no matter what part they play in any of these skits or any production, come to think of it, any time in general, they are really funny. we are blessed with a multitude of funny guy teachers.

back to the play: this year the approach was to try and copy and paste various parts of the infamous "Finding Nemo" script into the skit in a feeble attempt at making the skit funny. long story short- it didn't work. to top it all off, the von trapp family finally make it through the ocean (with the help of the cast of "finding nemo") to the American Idol show where they lose to the Vanilla Ice act done by Heggy, Parten and Conga. The last line of the play is (and i quote), "well, everyone knows that [the von trapp] family should have won." if this isn't bad enough, it was said by Leisal (the oldest von trapp). IT SUCKED. it reaches new levels of suckiness. wow.

that's all, folks.

p.s. i got a cell phone. it's a good thing.

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