Mar 15, 2004

Oh cookies, you cruel mistress

friday night- full of "chess" and pizza shoppe caesar salad without the cheese. jane, jonathan and i met up with roger, roons and colin's girlfriend at the jesuit play. puccino's after with the jon-myster and janie. oh, and jane is a sneaky booger who can get away with stealing chick puffs. what happened when sarah decided to LOOK at the puffs? she got YELLED at. that's right. watch me hate you, jane.

saturday mornin'- HABITAT FOR HUMANITY from 8 - 4:30 where i dug holes, made the beginnings of a fence, spackled the porch's "roof," primed and painted, cleaned brushes, helped put up unused lumber... just tons of good fun. i got REALLLLLY tired and dirty. good, clean fun that is.

Here's the thing: Jonathan called me up like 2 weeks ago and told me that he wanted to host a suprise, going-away party for Jane. Last week, the suprise, going-away party evolved into a suprise, going-away COOKIE party. this then became an ex-surprise, going-away, cookie party for jane. but, hey, it all turned out good. jonathan's mom was amazingly understanding about the whole having rowdy, annoying teenagers over at her house until the wee hours of the morning. there was not only mounds of cookies, pizza, 7-layer dip, and spinach and artichoke dip, but there was ALSO a dobege cake. the guests: roons, jonathan, colin #1, coline #2, roger, luke (a.k.a. the guy who looked like a hobbit), g dawg, melissa, meghan, portman, marcy, allison, elizabeth, jane and i. events of the night: dance dance revolution competitions, vegging out, pictures, karoke, suicide circle, talking, melissa puting porn on jonathan's computer, everyone sneaking into jonathan's room (except me) where they discovered evidence of a massive foot fetish... the usual. allison slept over, so jane, allison and i pulled an all-nighter. literally, we went to sleep at 6 a.m. what we did from 1 to 6? a whole lot of pooting, that's what. oh, and the pressure of perfection (and egyptian rat screw).

sunday- woke up at 2 in the afternoon, homework, life teen, jonathan came over for a mini-family dinner, studied history until 4:30 in the morning (yet again, SOOOO much fun)

p.s. jane and i ran out and "spooned" and "forked" jonathan's yard on saturday night. mission accomplished, jane!

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