Jun 4, 2004

une problemo

while my internet was out, i was unable to update my blog, and i am sorry for that. however, i really do not appreciate the fact that i have been recieving a lot of "unwholesome" comments on my blog. i LOVE getting comments, don't get me wrong, but i really don't like the fact that my comments have (dun dun dun) turned to the dark side. i really hope that i don't have to start censoring my comments... so don't make me go to that extreme. thanks!

in other news, HARRY POTTER COMES OUT TODAY!!!!!!! i know, i know. i'm a traitor and i sold out to the movie. but i just can't help myself! i've already got a reserved ticket for an undisclosed showing of the aforementioned film (i don't want any crazies showing up there...). i'm sooo totally pumped. i've also been slowly but surely re-reading the harry potter books. i am only a little under half way through the second one, though.

so, meg turned 21 yesterday, and there was quite a party at bruno's last night for it. however, due to my mother's refusal to let me have a fake id, i was not allowed to stay at the partay... :( don't cry for me argentina. the truth is i still had a rockin' night. the j mann and i went to reginelli's and then to starbucks.

fun (and kind of weird and stalker-ish) story-
so, jonathan and i are at reginelli's talking it up in a booth. however, i notice this old, fat, bald dude sporting a yellow t-shirt TOTALLY checking me out. ahem, not the GOOD kind of checking out. the BAD kind. the kind where you want to take a shower after because you're afraid that some of their nasty skeevy cheesy germs might have floated onto because of the unusually long prolonged staring. yes, that is why i got. (this may have been due to the fact that i had a preeety low-cut shirt on but i like to think the best of people, so i'll just pretend like he wasn't checking out my chest) then, after that gross encounter, jonathan and i went to the starbucks on maple street. for those of you who do not know new orleans uptown, we went from state and magazine to maple. then, we had a lovely coffee and by the time we were practically escoreted out of the cafe because it was closing, the aforementioned cheeseball of an old man was standing outside of starbucks. you can imagine my surprise. what made this unlikely encounter even worse was the fact that yet AGAIN he was STARING at me. uncomfortableness...

yeah, so that's what i've been up to. oh yeah, and i got meg the best birthday gift ever. and did kind of bad on some exams... and took some 5 mile walks. good stuff. okay, well i've got to run because jonthan has bet me that i can't get ready (including showering) in a half an hour. i've got to show the female race that indeed, it can be done. and i have got to win that bet. for a whole dollar...

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