Jun 14, 2004

b-e-a-c-h, beach

the other day, meg and i were bored, as usual, and we stumbled across the national spelling bee, aka the loser depot of america. we watched dumbfounded for about 20 minutes as kids spelled words such as "mouchoir," "isochronous," and "flibbertigibbert." (note about the last word, which i didn't make up- it was a password to get into the gryffindor common room in the 3rd book of harry potter. i just re-read it and it stuck in my mind because it reminded me of a studdering toad.) these children were trained to inquire each word's land or origin, definition, pronunciation, etc at least twice before they attempted to (and usually succeeded at) spelling. i was flabbergasted to say the least.

the beach was greeaaatt. most of my readers probably don't know that i went to the beach, but i did. it was fun. i'm actually pretty tan, which will surprise most of you.

i decided to include a fun little quiz that commenters can take. feel free to answer questions that interest you. or you could pretend like i didn't include this, and i'll make sure to remember that you aren't cool.

1. which spice girl do you most resemble or want to be?

2. if you had an exotic pet what would it be?

3. if you could turn back time, have the equivelant of a marauder's map (see harry potter 3 for clarifications if you do not know what this is), or have the ability to become invisible, which would you choose? (margaret gave me that idea)

4. if you were going to a world conference, which country would you want to represent?

5. who is the coolest person you know? why?

6. if you could set the trends for this year, what would they include?

7. if you lived in ancient times and you could come up with one story to help explain why things are the way they are, what would your story be about? (feel free to include a short (or long) version)

8. which is better- rain or fog?

9. try to explain why fireworks are cool.

10. ponder why humans like to see others in pain or being humiliated. write a reflection (word, phrase, sentence, story...whatever) about why you think that is.

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