Apr 29, 2004

feelin' the love

Unbeknownst (spelling?) to me, my father is not only inappropriate at most times, but at ALL times. yes, it is true. many of you may have heard about the misunderstanding at mardi gras this past festival season. the rumors are true, my biological father actually asked someone on the street, "so, are you a man or a woman?!?" she wasn't even dressed up. yes, i know it's shocking how rude he can be. but wait, it gets even better. last night, i invited jonathan over for a casual dining experience, or so i thought, with my parents and some of my father's "work associates." (side note- i still speculate that my father deals in drugs or something along those lines because despite bi-weekly paychecks, he always seems to be at garage sales, seeking out antiques, planting seeds for the enlarging of our infamous volvo farm, or napping. hmm, must investigate.) little did i know that upon jonathan's arrival my father would begin to criticize him. when we retreated to my room after almost being beat up by my dad's friends for not wanting a beer, we were quickly summoned downstairs by a bellowing, "what are you two, DOING up there, anyway?!?!" the night was full of moments almost as fun as the aforementioned. however, the evening did not end in the notorious Manthey "love chant." it was quite the opposite; more like negative rays of hate aiming daggers at my father while he made inappropriate jokes and popped "texas sized jelly beans" which his friend had given him. (side note- gag gifts are a hot item in the manthey clan. i.e.- chia heads which are passed off each Christmas to the unfortunately elected relative (much like a fruitcake recipient), various ties with planets, orbs and perhaps large slices of cheese being cut, and the infamous canister of tennis balls that does not really qualify under the category "gag gift" but we have given it to my uncle every christmas for as long as i can remember. he still finds this quite hilarious every year. i think my family just stockpiles boxes of tennis balls, because, whether or not we invite him, the information always leaks out and he always shows up at our house and quickly ravages the kitchen for any food that was unknowingly left lying around. love is a battlefield.)

anywho, i've been keeping myself occupied lately. whether it has been staring at pieces of paper with chemistry problems, holding a pencil and almost writing down my daily homework, staring at walls while i try and read books for english, pretending to dig up old history notes for my upcoming AP exam but instead organize my closet... many useful things as you can see. i have the ability to find the most boring things interesting when i've got other NECESSARY things that must be done. such as, blogging. i haven't blogged since around easter, yet i find time for it so that i don't have to study for my daunting AP. speaking of, does anyone know what happened in Africa between the years of 1400-1600?? i don't. oops. well, i should get back to doing useful things. maybe i'll measure the amount of pressure needed to turn the light in my fridge off; oh the things you can think if only you're (fill in appropriate event that you are trying to avoid preparing for).

Apr 19, 2004

mellow yellow

call me crazy but i love the color yellow. i love sunbeam, yellow bouquet, golden ray, mellow yellow, duckling... all of these shades of yellow are beautiful in their own way. that is why decided to paint my bedroom my favorite color- yellow. on friday it was decided that my room was indeed being painted, although my mother informed me that she would not be helping. but, the color was still up in the air. green or yellow? when we went to go pick out paint at Lowe's the exact shade had been decided- yellow bouquet. the man mixing my paint said that it would be lovely, and it is. jonathan and i painted my whole room in a matter of 2 days (and that was going slow). it is now a beautiful (and very bright) shade of yellow. i just love it.

in other news, trey is signing a lease today to get a new apartment on state street drive with his now-ex-girlfriend-with-new-boyfriend Melissa. it's going to be interesting. i hope i might be able to go visit him sometimes. i wasn't allowed in his last apartment. not feelin' the love.

first day back in school isn't going too badly so far, but i'm still trying to get used to doing work again. exams are closing in and i don't remember like ANYTHING. oops. my world history ap is on may 5th. that is pretty darn soon. the ap covers the beginning of agriculture until may 4, 2004 on all events all over the war. i'm going to die. oh happy day.

Apr 12, 2004

look what the easter bunny brought in.

so, it's easter time, eh? here's what i've been thinking- a) why do we tell children that an easter basket hops all over the world bringing them candy? looking back, i'm not sure why i wasnt petrified of this image as a child. b) how did jesus and the easter bunny become friends? they must have because they share the same day of candy-woofing. they must be tight. word. c) why is my mother opposed to me repainting my room?

other than that, it's been pretty boring. I'm reading my book called Blue Shoe. I wouldn't recommend it. It's not really one of those good books everyone should read. It's more like one of those books that one person reads and proceeds to warn all of her friends, family, aqutinances and random people in bookstores not to buy, read or even look at for too long. yeah, one of those. i feel bad for it though. i think i'll just finish it so that it doesn't fell bad about sucking so much.

i'll keep you posted on how the book is feeling. and when i start a good book, i'll tell you what it's called. \

Apr 6, 2004

the price is right and playing hooky

so, at 2:30 on monday morning, i was about half way through the history chapter that i had a test that day at about 10 a.m. i decided that it was time to pull the "hooky" card. in a half sleep, my mom agreed. i was ordered not to listen to music and to finish history. i did neither. i instead cleaned my room, washed clothes, cooked, organized my bathroom drawers, took a walk, read my book.... everything BUT what i was staying home to do. oops. i even thought about sunbathing. too cold, though.

however, the price is right is as good as i remember. i did not enjoy i want a face face, though.

it's very hard to go back to school with a holiday so close and a free day behind you. oh well, better suck it up.