Apr 12, 2004

look what the easter bunny brought in.

so, it's easter time, eh? here's what i've been thinking- a) why do we tell children that an easter basket hops all over the world bringing them candy? looking back, i'm not sure why i wasnt petrified of this image as a child. b) how did jesus and the easter bunny become friends? they must have because they share the same day of candy-woofing. they must be tight. word. c) why is my mother opposed to me repainting my room?

other than that, it's been pretty boring. I'm reading my book called Blue Shoe. I wouldn't recommend it. It's not really one of those good books everyone should read. It's more like one of those books that one person reads and proceeds to warn all of her friends, family, aqutinances and random people in bookstores not to buy, read or even look at for too long. yeah, one of those. i feel bad for it though. i think i'll just finish it so that it doesn't fell bad about sucking so much.

i'll keep you posted on how the book is feeling. and when i start a good book, i'll tell you what it's called. \

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