Feb 5, 2004


The Da Vinci Code really makes you think. I'm in religion class right now, but I'm beginning to think that what the book was saying is probably true. I'm also beginning to believe more and more that the Catholic church is unbelievably biased and wrong a lot of times. Religion annoys me a lot of times, because a lot of people just "pretend" like they are Catholic but do not live a Catholic life. For instance, I am not a hardcore Catholic who won't say "Oh my God" just because there is a commandent against it. I believe in a God that loves me no matter what. For the most part, I think that my beliefs relate to Catholicism. The other thing is that I think Jesus probably did have kids; I think that's awesome. Jesus SHOULD have had kids even if he didn't, because that is the image I like of Jesus- a loving, open dad. Most of the Catholic Church's history has been so hush hush and just CRAP. The church has made so many mistakes; it's just annoying that they keep being like, "No, this time, I promise we're right." URGH.

The other thing that really annoys is racism. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE THAT IGNORANT? The whole idea is so totally stupid. My mom can be racist sometimes, but she tries. Other people can be very racist, though. Allison's date to homecoming told her, "Look, Blackies." I'm like, what the FRICK?!?!

I just had to vent. I've been really upset about the whole racist thing lately. It's just aggravating. The Catholic thing has been annoying, too, because so many people don't even believe their faith, but just say they are Catholics. It's like "yeah, I'm Catholic, but i can still go binge drink every weekend and sleep with my boyfriend's best friend." Annoying.

Well, I'm sure no one really cares. I just had to get it out there. Back to religion class, for me.

I'm thinking thrift store shopping this weekend...

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