Feb 10, 2004

Cheesy goodness

We lost our last game. Poor seniors. Too bad our basketball team sucks. In other news, I like TOTALLY failed the chemistry test today. It was unbelievably hard. Here's what I'm thinking- i might be addicted to cheese. In particular- nacho cheese. It's been an issue for awhile but lately i've been consuming massive amounts of cheese dip and cheese in general (i.e. doritos, american cheese, grilled cheese....). It's getting really bad. I think i might have to do the impossible. I might have to give up cheese for lent. i know what you're thinking. lent is a good while away. I could get fat between now and then due to my massive cheese intake (thanks for pointing this out jonathan). But, i've decided that this cheese issue has gone too far. I have to start incorporating things like peanut butter, bread, yogurt, apples, spinach, maybe even the occasional radish into my diet to balance out the large majority of cheese products. It sounds drastic, i know. giving up cheese. but i'm planning to wean myself off cheese so that when i have absolutely no cheese i will not shrivel up and die due to my dependency on the aforementioned. i'll keep you all posted.

try not to sound too excited.

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