Apr 4, 2006

woe is me

alas, uva and georgetown REJECTED me. the sad thing is that i actually didn't see it coming. whoops. now i must choose between the following: lsu, tulane, uga and university of rochester. p.s. rochester is freakishly cold and i'm used to like new orleans winters where the lows range from 40-60 degrees. not 30 below. however, i'm pretty psyched about going to colorado springs. i hope i can ski while i'm there! maybe that will change my mind about how much i like the cold...

so i had to make this lamp for my physics class, right? i don't know what kind of brain fart i had to result in the design i created for this tomato spice creation that is now sitting atop mr. collins' counter. i decided that i should use tin cans for this project, despite my enormous hands that couldn't really fit inside the cans to make the necessary adjustments and connections. this resulted in my mutated hands resulting from my overzealous attempts to use guerilla glue (which, according to the bottle is "the strongest glue on planet earth"). now i can't really feel anything with my hands and the red paint that i painted my stupid lamp is now staining the glue. boo on physics. and electricity. and glue.

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