Jun 18, 2005


things i've been up to:

1. price is right--it's a great show
2. reading
3. doing crossword puzzles--i promise i'm not old!
4. mourning about my ghetto phone
5. spending my measly $40 a week on important things such as jewelry and coffee
6. developing a long-lasting, deep and intimate relationship with my beautiful baby girl (Iris)

other than snuggling up with my cat and a good book, i've been doing a whole lot of nothing. I know, sounds boring. but it's not a promise. among other things i've had a party. only 5 people showed up including myself, and i admit that The Game of Life isn't as intense or exciting as perhaps Spin the Bottle, Charades or even Pictionary, but it was delightful. and in lieu of a tower of beer cans, there was a mighty high tower of empty diet cokes. i know i wish i would have invited you, but i must restrict my Life parties and Disney-themed movie nights to VIPs. sorry, grandma.

well, i must get back to my busy schedule of trying to forget the past year's education and napping. Little Shop tonight! w00t!

feed me, FEED me, FEED MEEEE!

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