Jun 8, 2005

bead sorting. a lot like jabbing a pencil in your eye

imagine this-- a store that sells beads. row with shelves with trays of beads. walls of beads. that i must sort and sort and sort. organziation is a passion of mine, i must admit. however, beads all begin to look the same. not only are there different types of beads (color, cut, size), but there are also about 20 different places that exact bead could be within the store because there is only a somewhat logical system to the store's organization. it can be quite frustrating. plus, i usually finish what i'm doing in about an hour to an hour and a half, and in order that i get to 8 hours a week i must walk around the store (not talking to customers, heaven forbid!) but looking through tiny compartments of beads trying to find out-of-place little buggers. Bof!

in other news, themed nights are cool. so far there has only been one--Arabian Nights. and only i dressed up, but it was awesome. i'm looking forward to Pochahontas night, and Mulan night... p.s. i'm not a dork. remember that!

i am a movie fiend... i've watched like 8 or so movies in the theater in the past 2 weeks, and countless more at my house. if anyone has any ideas of things other than watching television or a movie that i could do, PLEASE tell me. i'm going insane.

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