Jan 18, 2005

my heart is as full as a baked potato

well, it's true. i am 17. i have not yet taken advantage of my superior ability to rent, watch, and buy rated R movies (or NC-17 movies for that matter!), but i have borrowed a few from trey and marcy gave me garden state.... my birthday party was awesome. if you weren't there, then you just sucked. there was fondue, there was dancing, there was candy, there were bougies, there were presents.... there were even some crazy sea animals!

as all of you know, jane was in for an extended weekend. which was, as she would say, de-lightful. highlights of her stay: jane going for the dozen, schpedoinkling, CRAZY party, my mom's story about her running into babies... good times all around. i'm hoping to go visit soon (mardi gras? summer?)

thank you for everyone's birthday wishes and gifts, they were all very much appreciated. i heart all my friends.

and just remember, "let's build a snowman. we can make him tall, or we can make him not-so-tall. we can name him bob. or we can name him BEOWULF!"

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