Dec 31, 2004

white christmas

i hoped. i dreamed. i never really thought that we, in new orleans, would have a white christmas. but we did. it SNOWED! pictures soon.

back to school monday; i know what you're all thinking-- what will you do without me. that is a good question. however, the better question is what will i do once i get back to school, because not only did i do quite badly on two of my exams, but i also have a mountain of work that is due in the near future: my reasearch paper, reading for history, college stuff for mrs. birtel, basketball, yearbook...

also, JANE IS COMING IN TOWN!!! she will arrive the 13th of january (that thursday, if that's the 13th...) and leave that monday (MY 17th and golden birthday). yes, much fun will be had seeing as its my birthday and that it is jane. a party is imminent.

the christmas holidays, however, were not up to par. last year i had sweet 16, les pierrettes, stalking jonathan, sweet christmas presents and other good times. this year, was not so good. first of all, some people were out-of-town. then, some people were having parties all over the place without me. yeah, that's not cool, guys. well., happy new year, to me!

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