Sep 10, 2004

mission: drums

for awhile now i've noticed that my life is not complete. at first i didn't know what could fill this void, but i've discovered the solution to my problem- playing the drums. ever since my brother decided to randomly buy a used drumset, i've been feeling the need to do something musical. i used to think that i just wanted to do this because i idolize trey and that i was just on some drum kick that i'd soon get out of. however, i've been looking into drumming for awhile, and i'm thinkin' its time. my mission- buy a drumset. problem- i have no money. that is why i've hatched the most wonderful plan ever. my plan is to have a massive garage sale and use the profits to fund my new obsession that is drums. anyone interested in helping me is welcome to donate anything, volunteer their time, or give me money.

the book of short stories that i'm reading right now called the "hotel eden" is very....different. the first story i read was about how this meteorologist and his long-time girlfriend moved to england, met this guy who took them to this bar and told them stories, then the guy takes the meteorologist to scotland, leaves him on the train and runs away with the meteorologists' wife. then the meteorologist meets them at the bar that night. the second story is about this popular girl and her dorky lab partner who go to thrift stores, buy bowling balls, place them at their friends' doors, go to a hospital and pretend to be sick then run out screaming and laughing, then have sex in his truck. then at the end of the year they say goodbye to each other by meeting at the airport and making out even though they're not getting on the planes. i still have to read one about a girl's "sexual awakening." should i be nervous?

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