Sep 26, 2004

exchange 2005?

future conversation when i'm rich and famous:
interviewer for chic mag: "Sarah, when was it that you truly discovered how cool and funny you were/are?"
$arah (a.k.a. Sarah): "well, it all started when i had my exchange student jane open my eyes in my sophomore year of high school..."

i've been contemplating a few things lately, and i've come to the conclusion that exchange is a the answer to my prayers. i'm thinking i could get away for a few weeks in early january/february. i'm still working on finalizing this plan with ma mere, but so far it's lookin' gooood.

in other news, i've been looking ahead to halloween. i'm thinking that all our friends should have a MASSIVE party and be cool and awesome. i'm thinking we should make it like a "costume ball." and have masks and hardcore costumes. we can even bob for apples!!! my point is that halloween should rock.

p.s. school sucks. and why am i such a lazy bum when it comes to school work this year? i must investigate.

countdown to major candy vegging night (commonly called halloween): 35 days

NEXT WEEKEND IS MY GARAGE SALE TO FUND MY FUTURE DRUMSET!!!! if you would like to give me anything to sell (and have me keep the money) or sign up for a small shift of helpign with preparation or day-of sales, hurry up!!!

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