Sep 26, 2004

exchange 2005?

future conversation when i'm rich and famous:
interviewer for chic mag: "Sarah, when was it that you truly discovered how cool and funny you were/are?"
$arah (a.k.a. Sarah): "well, it all started when i had my exchange student jane open my eyes in my sophomore year of high school..."

i've been contemplating a few things lately, and i've come to the conclusion that exchange is a the answer to my prayers. i'm thinking i could get away for a few weeks in early january/february. i'm still working on finalizing this plan with ma mere, but so far it's lookin' gooood.

in other news, i've been looking ahead to halloween. i'm thinking that all our friends should have a MASSIVE party and be cool and awesome. i'm thinking we should make it like a "costume ball." and have masks and hardcore costumes. we can even bob for apples!!! my point is that halloween should rock.

p.s. school sucks. and why am i such a lazy bum when it comes to school work this year? i must investigate.

countdown to major candy vegging night (commonly called halloween): 35 days

NEXT WEEKEND IS MY GARAGE SALE TO FUND MY FUTURE DRUMSET!!!! if you would like to give me anything to sell (and have me keep the money) or sign up for a small shift of helpign with preparation or day-of sales, hurry up!!!

Sep 10, 2004

mission: drums

for awhile now i've noticed that my life is not complete. at first i didn't know what could fill this void, but i've discovered the solution to my problem- playing the drums. ever since my brother decided to randomly buy a used drumset, i've been feeling the need to do something musical. i used to think that i just wanted to do this because i idolize trey and that i was just on some drum kick that i'd soon get out of. however, i've been looking into drumming for awhile, and i'm thinkin' its time. my mission- buy a drumset. problem- i have no money. that is why i've hatched the most wonderful plan ever. my plan is to have a massive garage sale and use the profits to fund my new obsession that is drums. anyone interested in helping me is welcome to donate anything, volunteer their time, or give me money.

the book of short stories that i'm reading right now called the "hotel eden" is very....different. the first story i read was about how this meteorologist and his long-time girlfriend moved to england, met this guy who took them to this bar and told them stories, then the guy takes the meteorologist to scotland, leaves him on the train and runs away with the meteorologists' wife. then the meteorologist meets them at the bar that night. the second story is about this popular girl and her dorky lab partner who go to thrift stores, buy bowling balls, place them at their friends' doors, go to a hospital and pretend to be sick then run out screaming and laughing, then have sex in his truck. then at the end of the year they say goodbye to each other by meeting at the airport and making out even though they're not getting on the planes. i still have to read one about a girl's "sexual awakening." should i be nervous?

Sep 2, 2004

stay in school. if you're suicidal, that is.

okay, first day of school- i had not finished summer reading, had ALREADY gone to bed late and had not finished preparing/decorating all of my binders

by the second week, it was a little better. i somewhat finished my summer reading and was on a pretty good schedule where i would do all my homework.

this week- everything goes to hell. i am already going to bed past midnight, waking up at 5 AND not even finishing all my homework. for instance, last night i had to finish reading the 2 chapters for history that i was being tested on, finish reading Beowulf, do precalculus homework, and browse websites and read articles for religion. needless to say, i didn't get it all done even though i stayed up until 1, woke up at 5:30 and got to school at 7:15 and did more work. it's a little crazy.

in other news, jonathan and i have been going out for 8 months. cody and elizabeth are going to ring dance together. i'm going on retreat. mr. brandao and i have the same car; date pending for our race.

this year, unlike other years, i am not in the least looking forward to the upcoming school year. my decorated binders don't give me the same thrill; i countdown the minutes until lunch and the end of the day. and i live for the weekends. i think that as a country we should revert to farming communities, because they didn't have to go to school. OR, we could convert to a system of teaching/testing where there were no formal tests and grades. i would like that.

i am also seriously considering dropping out of school to race volvos professionally. i've also got a lot of connections in the supermarket business... stephen, cody, colin, caroline.... i figure i could carve a nice salary out of those two businesses.