Feb 17, 2004

The fat man walks alone. The cheese stands alone. Hmm, I see a connection....

As I sit here in religion, here are some of my thoughts:

- it will be very hard to find someone who i will be able to spend my whole life with

- i should order those partypics from sweet 16

- i really want to get some candy from my locker

- what did i bring for lunch?

- i wonder if people want me to take salsa lessons!!

That's right guys, I'm still wondering, should i take salsa lessons? Only 2 people have posted comments about this issue, so at the moment i'm undecided. PLEASE inform me. updates on this issue next week (the sooner you comment, the sooner this will be more interesting!)

Mardi Gras is coming up. I'm thinking about what parades I want to go to. I'm thinking Thor on Wednesday, maybe Excaliber on Thursday, Hermes and Krewe d'etat on Friday, Iris and Endymion on Saturday, Thoth and Bacchus on Sunday, Zeus on Monday, and Rex and the truck parades on MARDI GRAS. So you can keep tabs on me. You should definately comment, call me or talk to me about coming to these. *hint hint, nudge nudge, punch punch*

I also want to go see "You Got Served," so anyone up to that should also contact me.

In french today, Mr. Neel Neel wasn't there, so (instead of having a free class where we danced around to Outkast) we had a free class where we made movies. I already posted a link to the one that i made for valentine's day. Allison made what about... yeah, you can check it out yourself.

I feel really bad about Jane being sick today. Like her whole family got sick. Hope it wasn't from the food at our house. that would really decrease my house's ratings. and i love the horstmans.

in other news, i've got to sleep soon, because i pulled an almost all-nighter last night and i'm living off a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch that i ate at 3:30 this morning. i'm HUUUUNNGARY.

Mardi Gras Countdown: 7 days

p.s. The Golden Rule should be LIVED by.

p.p.s. Zuma just takes time, portman. don't give up. just take a day off school and practice your skills. it will pay off in the end.

p.p.p.s. Melissa has made this movie in response to my Valentine's Day movie. Check it out.

My response to Melissa's movie doesn't really have anything to do with hers, but here it is.

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