Feb 28, 2006

carnival season wrap-up

number of roses: 2 (an all-time low)
number of people i set on fire: 41
number of king-cake babies i got: 0
number of king-cake babies i avoided getting: 18
number of beads i caught: 158
number of bead whores i know: about a billion

best mardi gras moment: sean and david running down st. charles around 15 mph behind melissa's car in order to get a ride.

runner-up: sean drinking a previously-opened beer he found outside of superior grill.

Feb 24, 2006

hello, Mardi Gras. i am sarah.

my fond friend Mardi Gras has once again arrived in my very own, and very new backyard. Although I am now located uptown, it found me once again. a faithful friend who always brings happiness, food, and lots of drunk people who smell like pee.

although i have only been to one night of parades (last night), i feel like i have already experienced some pretty darn awesome things:

1. this one lady standing on a ladder was dancing to a marching band when she lost her balanced and grabbed her friend, who was also on a ladder, and they both fell down in a a drunken stupor. luckily they were too drunk to care. thumbs up!

2. last night two people came and stood right in front of me as a band was passing and everyone has to back up. the lady next to me saw my horrified and disgusted face upon their unwanted appearance and told them off! woo hoo!

this allows me to segway into my next list. some rules for mardi gras:

1. try not to throw up on other people. it doesn't make them happy and tends to bring down their night.
2. don't pick up beads off the ground. they're tainted. if you do, you're a bead whore.
3. don't stand in front of me. i'll set you on fire.
4. if you throw crap beads, especially to me, expect them to be thrown back at you.
5. no one wants cups. except to pee in.

lastly, remember, plan ahead because there ain't no place to pee on mardi gras day.

Feb 15, 2006

well, aren't you special

Dear other team in playoffs,

I'll give you a quick glimpse into the life of the Sacred Heart basketball team which I have been a part of since 6th grade and now help lead in all my shimmering senior glory. In the past three years we have won less than 10 games. This year we have won quite a few games. Perhaps even more than can be counted on one hand.

We generally are pretty lazy and kind of always rebel against our coach. However, we really do enjoy playing bball. We might seem like we suck but we're really just race-challenged. We all secretly want to be black, especially me.

So, in the interest of not crushing our dreams, please let us have a chance tomorrow when we play you.

Jemima Manthey