Feb 10, 2005

you probably heard it somewhere else first

that's right. i am in a play. a play where people act. not a summer program where everyone is required to be cast in one part or another. not a kindergarten play where all the children have parts. this is an actual play where auditions were held, there was deliberation, and even singing in front of people. and i am in it. i am going to play mushnik in our school's production of Little Shop of Horrors. that's not even just chorus. i have an understudy. it's also great because a bunch of my friends are in it too: allison is audrey (the LEAD), melissa is the plant (an AWE$OME part) and yeah a bunch of other really gruel people.

mardi gras was not up to par. i think the drunk lady with glow-in-the-dark rings stuck in her shirt who later flashed for a bag of regular sized pearls might have ruined it for me. but then again, i did get a nice-sized bouquet of fake roses....

i don't wanna go back to school. when i go back i will be confronted with the all-too-true realization that i have a butt-load of things i must do and some that are already late. like, for instance, i have not started ACTUALLY researching for my history paper and haven't started reading my independent reading book. hmmm.... procrastination- so tasty and delicious.

well, i must away. i have to take a shower in order that i can play a basketball game against st. mary's (who will crush us and utterly annihilate our team). w00t!

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