Nov 25, 2004

merry thanksgiving

ahhh, no school. it is sa-weet! today i got to see all my cousins from out of town. we even had a 10-year anniversary of our Thanksgiving Toga Race. i'm going to post a picture when i find a scanner.

tuesday night after basketball practice (why haven't you been to my games??) allison, jonathan and i went to dinner at rocky's. which, interestingly enough, now has a gaming center. see allison's blog for visual documentation of this interesting sight. then we went to go see bridget jone's 2, which was slightly disappointing.

oh, and last night i dreamed that meghan, melissa, my mom and my aunt were sitting at the foot of my bed and their heads all kept switching. first my mom and melissa's head switched. then my mom (now melissa's) and meghan's... v. strange indeed.

i have also decided that jonathan gets props for telling a good story last night about his sister breaking a manequin and his mom beating his sister with the broken leg. keep up the good work!

beginning of my christmas list:
- cool stuff
- ipod
- shoes
- new sunglasses
- a pony...

i am also accepting cash donations....

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