Oct 24, 2004

school of rock?

well, life has been busy lately. however, mostly good. i have had enough time for usually about 5 hours of sleep. and i have not failed out of school. yet.

i've been people-watching a lot lately. whether it be while running down St. Charles, at school, at life teen, or out-and-about the social scenes of New Orleans. i have come to a conclusion. i could be pretty cool if i put my mind to it. i mean, what's stopping me? no one. nothing. my whole outlook on life is now pushing towards: "i'm cool. who are you?" i like it.

i've also been rocking my ceramics class. at first my products were looking dismal. i made some pinch pots that were abysmal. i also made a coil pot that turned out....okay. my box exploded. my relief ESPLODED big time. however, after a rough start, i've got it all figured out. my series- rockin'. last class i finished this house thing that is the most wonderful thing that was ever imagined. after it is all done i think i will post pictures.

this weekend i watched "School of Rock" with allison and monica. some might ask, "how is it that you can watch that movie time and time again and not get bored?" i would reply: "how is it that you can stand to not rock?!?!?" if you have not watched this definitive movie on rocking, it's time. i have it until sunday before noon. do yourself a favor and borrow it.

lastly, what are we doing for halloween?!?!?!?!?! it is this sunday! ahhhhhh...

bands that i am worshipping: velvet revolver and the killers

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