Oct 24, 2004

school of rock?

well, life has been busy lately. however, mostly good. i have had enough time for usually about 5 hours of sleep. and i have not failed out of school. yet.

i've been people-watching a lot lately. whether it be while running down St. Charles, at school, at life teen, or out-and-about the social scenes of New Orleans. i have come to a conclusion. i could be pretty cool if i put my mind to it. i mean, what's stopping me? no one. nothing. my whole outlook on life is now pushing towards: "i'm cool. who are you?" i like it.

i've also been rocking my ceramics class. at first my products were looking dismal. i made some pinch pots that were abysmal. i also made a coil pot that turned out....okay. my box exploded. my relief ESPLODED big time. however, after a rough start, i've got it all figured out. my series- rockin'. last class i finished this house thing that is the most wonderful thing that was ever imagined. after it is all done i think i will post pictures.

this weekend i watched "School of Rock" with allison and monica. some might ask, "how is it that you can watch that movie time and time again and not get bored?" i would reply: "how is it that you can stand to not rock?!?!?" if you have not watched this definitive movie on rocking, it's time. i have it until sunday before noon. do yourself a favor and borrow it.

lastly, what are we doing for halloween?!?!?!?!?! it is this sunday! ahhhhhh...

bands that i am worshipping: velvet revolver and the killers

Oct 8, 2004

run for basketball or die trying

in previous years, that is, all the years of my life, i have played basketball. in the beginning, i played for various teams at Johnny Bright Playground. However, every year i mangaged to miss a majority of our games, because, since i was the tall girl (nicknamed "tally") the pressure was on me to score. in 6th grade i started playing basketball at Sacred Heart. in my first season i sucked. and our team did too. However, we did win 2 games. in my second year, our team was not so good. we won 1 game i think. in my 8th grade year, however, by some stroke of luck we had a star player- jade. jade was our team. our plays consisted of: "give the ball to jade so that she can score." sadly, my freshman year, the basketball team was again horrid. no jade = no winning games. sophomore year- bad bad bad. we won 1 game but since it was in a tournament that does not count.
every year i sign up for basketball. who knows why? i groan and gripe about practices and always wish i had more time for homework. i'm always sleep-deprived and pushed to the limit. however, i heart basketball. i hardly ever get a chance to just play in my free time, but when i do i really like it. so, this year mr. parten has cracked down on the team. we are currently conditionning with the cross country team, which means that we are RUNNING an average of 2 miles a day. the team is small, and many practices are missed by all. but this year, my friends, the basketball team will triumph and prove all those skeptics wrong!!! i'm pumped.