Aug 14, 2004

end-of-summer blues

if you know me at all, then you already are aware of the immense joy i recieve from book day, decorating, organizing, and basically being obsessive compulsive. however, this year it is different, while the start of school looms closer and closer, i am not yet ready to partake in the annual obtaining and making-pretty-ing of my school supplies. i do not want summer to be over. i have enjoyed my summer immensely. i have traveled a lot; i have gone to such exotic destinations as florida, new york, georgia and mexico.
i've also had a lot more freedom than usual this summer. i can now drive, and my car has been good to me. it has won me many a race, and i am grateful for that!

alas, school is getting closer and closer. i fear that my binders may not be decorated to the fullest extent; that my uniform will not be layed out; that my bookpack will not be ready and waiting. what has gotten into me, some might ask... i think i let too much of the summer lovin' get to me. i must remind myself that i am ocd, and i like it.

i promise that i will say this mantra to myself: i am sarah, an obsessive person who likes to be organized, color-coordinated, and have everything done on time.

well, it's a start...

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