Feb 19, 2004

Praise the Lord Plumbing Company truck sightings.... and other obstacles on the way home from school

So, elizabeth is driving me home from school, right? and we are this red light and i see this truck drive by that says "Praise the Lord Plumbing Co." There is a cross right next to a picture of a toilet. Hmmm... there are some strange people out there. Also, we saw some like 8-year-old kid doing this ganster walk, grabbing the crotch of his pants (which was empty...), and then he saw me looking at him and he winked at me! This little boy was 8! it was hilarious.

last night, i went to a parade with jonathan and we met up for a little while with his friend roger (who is not related to the lady who used to play flute at our church just because he used to play flute). we saw thor. it sucked. not only was it a very short, kind of small parade, but i only got like 8 beads. EVERYONE DISSED ME! my friends know this, i do not get dissed at parades. i get beads, roses, stuffed animals, bags of beads, requests to flash people... i am not one of those loser people who have like 1 bead around their neck. well, last night i was that loser girl who keeps trying to bargain with the guys on the floats, and they totally dismissed me. i got served :( it's okay. good news- there is no height restriction on jayettes, so my lifelong dream of being on a dance team might come true. however, i see no hope for ever becoming an octopus or a mountain-climber (partly due to the fact that i can't even get to the top of the Clim-Ax wall).

hmm... maybe i can take on olympic ice skating next. jandy said that there is an ice skating rink that is in Kenner.

well, i'm thinking excaliber tonight. jane might experience her first parade tonight! w00t.

in other news, Meg came in at 5:20 a.m. this morning and i was there to greet her. even if i was asleep until my dad dragged me down the stairs just in time for me crawl back to the couch and sleep for another half an hour.

p.s. got a new, cool watch. ask me to see it if you haven't already!

p.p.s. i actually got 2 cool, new watches, but apparently it's not cool to wear both at the same time. i've got to make a mental note of that, i know i'll forget one day and wear both. hey, if one is good, why not two?

well, that's my story and i'm sticking to it!

So, if anyone is in need of plumbers, check out the "praise the lord plumbing co." that is, unless they're actually drug dealers in disguise. then, don't trust the special brownies! even if they have vitamins a, b, c, x, y, z... not a good idea. trust me.

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