Feb 24, 2004

"I was going to spank [him] like his mommy had never spanked him..." Vanity Fair January 2004

Whoa, today was definately not Sunday. It was Fat Teusday; the day of fat. So, what did I do today... Well, i don't really remember. Jane wanted some weed beads, but alas, we were unsuccessful. Jandy went to the parades with me and Elizabeth eventually graced us with her presence. I was so glad she came; i was just hoping she would decide to crash my sister's party because she is the coolest person I know. Eventually, she had to leave and I cried and cried while Jandy comforted me (If you call comforting stealing all my beads, but whatever...). Yeah so the second I got home I called Elizabeth and asked her if she wanted to come watch a movie with Jandy, Jane, and my myself. At first she said she wasn't sure and that she might have to babysit, and I was devestated, but she came anyway (YES!!!). So then we all went for a ride in Elizabeth's super cool car, Lumiere- Maurice. It is the coolest car on the face of the Earth; i wish it were mine.

Yeah, so then while we were at puccino's, Jandy discovered these really cool hand dryers in the bathroom and I went to investigate and ended up projectile pooing all over Jane. That was not cool; I'm such a loser. But Jandy thought it was funny... ahhhh....Jandy.....He's soooo dreamy...like Elvis... the way his hair is all messy and floppy....hotness!!! He wanted to go cuddle with Elizabeth on the couch, but I had to put my foot down; even thought I absolutely adore Elizabeth, I'm not for the whole boyfriend sharing thing....Yeah, so we watched Bringing Down the House... I wish I was Queen Latifa.She is so pretty; and her name is really cool: LA- TEEF- AH. Latifah. Coolness.

So we saw Elijah and Dominic in Bacchus and Orpheus. If Jandy wasn't there, I would have thrown myself in front of the float and tried to mob them. I know how much they wanted me. They were giving me those hobbity looks. i don't know, I can't explain it...there's something about the big hairy feet that I absolutely adore!!! Well, sorry Elijah and Dommy, I'm taken.

So today was a very exciting day. Tomorrow Jandy and I are taking a break. Jane is very happy; she's tired of being the tricycle. But luckily for her, the trycicle has now become a quadricycle (shh...). Yeah, so I was just eating cookie dough and now Jane and Elizabeth are yealling at me for leacing "droppings" everywhere. Gosh guys, I'm not like a bird or hamster or bat or something, its not like its guano, its just little sweet chocolate morsels. Who wouldn't want to eat that?

Well, Signing off, this is Elizab- oops, I mean Sarah..... riiiiiight... sarah.....

Blog readers:
Sarah has vowed not to post again until someone comments on her blog. Oh what a sad few days it will be.

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