Dec 19, 2006

over the years

i've watched the birth of many a television show. i've witnessed as they obnoxiously cry urging me to tune into their weekly drama-infested plots and unrealistic characters' charades. however, i am not a tv addict, so i usually politely decline. i gratiously present an appropriate excuse- i do not own a tv of my own, i have better things to do, i have to shampoo my hair, i'm morman.

however, there is one particular show that i have pleasantly watched through the years, on and off, but i know all the important characters, the basic plot, the highlights of each season, etc. this show is gilmore girls. and since the advent of TV show seasons on DVD, I have acquired all the seasons and now intimately know Lorelei, Rorie, Luke, Logan, Dean, the whole gang! However, I am quite upset at the lastest seasons developments. the writers who created the show for the past 6 seasons quit. Rorie and Lorelei have become too "cool" and when Luke and Lorelei broke up all hell broke loose. boo boo boo. as i watch an episode as i type this declaration, this manifesto, the gilmore girls are throwing around not-so-witty banter. boo on the seventh and probably final season of this once great conglomeration of wonderfulness and funny spectacularity. rest in peace.