Mar 20, 2006

words of wisdom

someone once quietly uttered these words into my ear:


perhaps you should live your life according to his insightful murmurings.

Mar 8, 2006

i'm a black woman in a white girl's body

i have found the book that should be my bible. The following is an exerpt from a daily candy email that i received about this delightful little book...

White people have mastered some tough stuff. The goth look. Ice hockey. Tax evasion. Dancing to Earth, Wind, and Fire without any evidence of soul whatsoever.

And with the publication of Making Friends with Black People, everyone (read: all the colors in the Crayola box) can get one step closer to true racial harmony. The new book by L.A.-based comedian Nick Adams is a smart, hilarious look at the conflicted, all-too-often misguided relationship white people have with African-American culture.

Adams is black, but some of his best friends are white, so he knows what he’s talking about. From when to open a conversation with talk of Jay-Z’s new album (never) to how to avoid ridicule on the dance floor (flamboyance is the enemy), he breaks it down for the pigmentally challenged.

Wondering if it’s okay for white people to use black slang? Well, sure, but he warns, “When you guys start using our words, that’s when we know it’s time for us to stop using them. Every time a white, middle-aged math teacher calls a student ‘dog,’ black people all over the country are notified via e-mail. Believe it.”

I think this would make a great present for mid-Lent for any wiggers you might know. or for me. whatever.