Dec 19, 2006

over the years

i've watched the birth of many a television show. i've witnessed as they obnoxiously cry urging me to tune into their weekly drama-infested plots and unrealistic characters' charades. however, i am not a tv addict, so i usually politely decline. i gratiously present an appropriate excuse- i do not own a tv of my own, i have better things to do, i have to shampoo my hair, i'm morman.

however, there is one particular show that i have pleasantly watched through the years, on and off, but i know all the important characters, the basic plot, the highlights of each season, etc. this show is gilmore girls. and since the advent of TV show seasons on DVD, I have acquired all the seasons and now intimately know Lorelei, Rorie, Luke, Logan, Dean, the whole gang! However, I am quite upset at the lastest seasons developments. the writers who created the show for the past 6 seasons quit. Rorie and Lorelei have become too "cool" and when Luke and Lorelei broke up all hell broke loose. boo boo boo. as i watch an episode as i type this declaration, this manifesto, the gilmore girls are throwing around not-so-witty banter. boo on the seventh and probably final season of this once great conglomeration of wonderfulness and funny spectacularity. rest in peace.

Nov 7, 2006

good old times

you know how little kids say obnoxious things? "I'm rubber and you're glue, so whatever you say will bounce off of me and go onto you." "If you keep drinking, you'll drink up the whole Mississippi River!" "Mr. Oufnac and you are sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

so when i was little and i said something like, "i love lucky charms." or "could chicken fingers be ANY better?" some other smart aleck kid said, "SO, why don't you marry them?" this brings me to my point.

if i could, i would marry cheese fries. fo' real.

Oct 23, 2006

happy hauntings

last night i tried and tried to persuade my friends that Cowboy Mouth was really cool and that we should partake in the free fun that was sure to be abound at the concert. they, however, were "busy" and had to "do homework." boo i say to them. because i went to that concert with about 50 other Tulanians and it rocked. it rocked so hard that i had to put my hair up. it rocked so hard that even the stoned guy was clapping by the end. we were all on our feet, clapping and screaming and smiling. and for the final bit ("Jenny Says") we all got on stage with the band and had to scream with Ozzy hands in the air "Let it go let it go let it go" as if we were having an explosive orgasm. for real, a law professor got up and ordererd us to do this. it kicked ass.

in other news, my dorm is having a haunted house in the unoccupied half of my dorm. i was helping to decorate it the other day and i was seriously getting freaked out because all of the rooms are decorated according to true JL history. the basement was a morgue, the third floor "deep" was an infirmary and the singles along side it were quarantine rooms for malaria victims. they had to have a staircase that went straight from the basement to the 3rd floor because when the girls died they had to bring them straight to the morgue. and we have a ghost-- Gladys. And Josephine Louise, our namesake, had her birthday on October 31.

when i was putting up some faux cobwebs, i asked if they had already done the cobwebbed corner i was about to web. "no, that was just there." yeah, we're that hardcore that we have REAL spiderwebs.

oh yeah, and i bought 3 1/2 inch gold glittered heels for my halloween costume.

Oct 6, 2006

do you have a best friend that is as cool as mine?

remember how when you were little you could just go up to a random person and ask if they wanted to be your friend and they wouldn't get creeped out? in college it is much the same way. I have discovered that most people are desperate for friends. that is precisly how I came upon my best friend.

it all started out with an innocent little trip to the mcalister market for grapes for my friend liz after TU at the Zoo. when my friend jamie left on her own, i made a comment about how she should try not to get raped and this random guy thought it was funny so we started talking. a few days later, i discovered that he was in one of my classes. as time went on, we continued to hand out a little bit. then i hit him with the big question. or it was really more of a statement. it went something like this: "so, i've decided that we're going to be best friends." and he didn't run away or throw things at me or make faces so i figured that we were off to a good start.

now we see each other a few times a week and we have all sorts of best friend jokes. for instance, i always joke that he and his room mate like to tell each other how pretty they are. and then there's those "yo momma" jokes. but, i'm getting off track... my point is that my best friend, his roomie, and my friend and i had a double feature of The Exorcist and Pulp Fiction this fine evening after dinner at bruff. then during pulp fiction, he and my friend got us some food from the big easy cafe. midnight cheese fries. mmm mmm good. so, do you have anything on me and my best friend?

Sep 6, 2006

remember that time when...

elaine said she wanted a tie-dye shirt and margaret and i wouldn't talk to her for an hour?

margaret danced to enrique in hot pants in the middle of st. charles?

elizabeth called out mr. saxer on staring at people in class?

allison was in a cave for 3 months because of mr. brandao's film class?

Jul 14, 2006

questions one might ask jesus, if he wasn't quite jesus just a cool guy

1. when does a mullet stop being a mullet and start just being a regular haircut? I mean do bangs count as "business in the front"? I mean some might argue that Jesus himself, a fashion trend-setter of his time, sported a mullet?

2. what is the proper way to deal with sweaty hands when holding hands with people during the Our Father at mass?
a) just deal with it?
b) remove sweaty hand from the clutch of your prayer buddy, wipe of and
replace the now dry hand into the holding hands position?
c) remove sweaty hand, wipe off and then resume regular hand position (solo
prayer position)?

3. should we pay more attention to our dreams? for instance, if a small leprechaun told me that i should become a salsa dancer in a dream of mine where i was dressing like snow white in a castle is classmates of mine, should i?

I think the answer jesus would give would be--follow your heart. what a smart man.

Jul 1, 2006

are you a people person?

this is question number 4 on bead shop applications. my answer: well, used to be! some of the crazies that come in are really starting to get to me. yesterday, someone asked me if i could make her four necklaces while she and her daughter left to go to a birthday party and then come pick them up in an hour or two. as if i'm her cabana boy who just meets her needs at a moments notice! i say, NO! and politely explain how the system works, but she refuses and pushes her 146 inches of gold chain and random assortment of charms towards me wiggling her eyebrows and pleads, "we just need to go to this party to say goodbye to a friend who's leaving the country this afternoon and the necklaces need to be ready to give to her by the time she leaves for the airport at 5" so, i cave. why am i such a weak sap?

i also saw nacho libre with allison in the recent past. while it was not up to napoleon's par, it was fairly delightful. i particularly delighted in the variety of accents that Jack Black combined in his role. best part of the movie hands down, when nacho truly finds his inner eagle powers and flies toward his wrestling opponent. it almost rivaled the credits of 40-year-old virgin...

p.s. look out for my cruising the streets of uptown on my flippin' sweet bike (complete with a bike bell!!)