Jul 14, 2006

questions one might ask jesus, if he wasn't quite jesus just a cool guy

1. when does a mullet stop being a mullet and start just being a regular haircut? I mean do bangs count as "business in the front"? I mean some might argue that Jesus himself, a fashion trend-setter of his time, sported a mullet?

2. what is the proper way to deal with sweaty hands when holding hands with people during the Our Father at mass?
a) just deal with it?
b) remove sweaty hand from the clutch of your prayer buddy, wipe of and
replace the now dry hand into the holding hands position?
c) remove sweaty hand, wipe off and then resume regular hand position (solo
prayer position)?

3. should we pay more attention to our dreams? for instance, if a small leprechaun told me that i should become a salsa dancer in a dream of mine where i was dressing like snow white in a castle is classmates of mine, should i?

I think the answer jesus would give would be--follow your heart. what a smart man.

Jul 1, 2006

are you a people person?

this is question number 4 on bead shop applications. my answer: well, used to be! some of the crazies that come in are really starting to get to me. yesterday, someone asked me if i could make her four necklaces while she and her daughter left to go to a birthday party and then come pick them up in an hour or two. as if i'm her cabana boy who just meets her needs at a moments notice! i say, NO! and politely explain how the system works, but she refuses and pushes her 146 inches of gold chain and random assortment of charms towards me wiggling her eyebrows and pleads, "we just need to go to this party to say goodbye to a friend who's leaving the country this afternoon and the necklaces need to be ready to give to her by the time she leaves for the airport at 5" so, i cave. why am i such a weak sap?

i also saw nacho libre with allison in the recent past. while it was not up to napoleon's par, it was fairly delightful. i particularly delighted in the variety of accents that Jack Black combined in his role. best part of the movie hands down, when nacho truly finds his inner eagle powers and flies toward his wrestling opponent. it almost rivaled the credits of 40-year-old virgin...

p.s. look out for my cruising the streets of uptown on my flippin' sweet bike (complete with a bike bell!!)