May 19, 2004

la de da... BOOM! EXAMS!!!!!!!!! aaaaahhhHHHHHhh!

soo, i'm going along through my sophomore year, right? then, all of the sudden someone mentions exams. oh, those babies? no biggie, they're forEVER away. or so i thought. silly, me. EXAMS START FRIDAY. this is no joke. there will really be 2 (count them 1, 2) exams this friday that i am required to take. i am royally screwed up a river without a paddle.

other than that, i've been dandy. i've been procrastinating on average about 67% of my time, hanging out with jonathan about 19% of my time and sleeping about 13% of my time. this leaves 1% for doing anything worthwile. oops. my bad. i've made a wonderful algebra project. actually, it looks more like a woodshop project because of the awesome aesthetically-pleasing aspects of my "towers of hanoi" artwork.

i have also been running for secretary, and i am fortunate enough to announce that i indeed obtained the seeked position on monday afternoon after a rousing round of speeches and ballot-casting sessions.

"how did it get so late so soon? it's night before it's afternoon! December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?" -the wise words of dr. seuss (one of the few men that i think always had his marbles)

May 15, 2004

stalkers are friends? or no?

recently i have been recieving quite a few comments on my beloved blog from unknown persons. and they all seem to be stalkers. now, for most people, stalkers would be a bad thing, but i am not like most people, and i don't think i'd mind a non-psycho stalker or two. so, stalker, please make yourself known if this is a joke OR please stop stalking me if you are a psycho. if none of the above apply, i'm not really opposed to people being obsessed with me, so keep stalking away!

so, in recent news, i am running for class secretary! my running mate is kelsey. (p.s. stalker, if you are psycho, you can go hunt down kelsey and make her forfeit, if you wish...) elections are monday, so wish me luck!!

last night i went to go see the hyped-up movie Troy. it was... a big of a let-down. if we (meaning me) look past orlando bloom and brad pitt's hottness, then the movie was almost boring. and it didn't really go with "history" too well. especially since achilles wasn't that big in the actual story. BUT, i never mind seeing a few guys running around in short leather skirts without shirts on for an hour or two.... so, long story short, if you would like to see old brad and bloom skipping about in skirts, go see troy. if not, don't waste your money. exams start next friday, and i am NOT looking forward to those babies. at the moment i am building some sort of contraption for an algebra project. too bad i'm trying to cut wood with an exacto knife. this might be awhile....

May 10, 2004

i heart new york!

On thursday night I picked up Jonathan in my ultra hip volvo stationwagon (p.s. my stationwagon, a.k.a. the mom car of all time, has TURBO!) to venture on to our neighborhood CC's. while there we dicussed how fun it would be if we could go to new york together (with parental supervision, of COURSE!). we started talking about how we could visit our good friend Jane, how we could go to Times Square, how we could go to a showing of Regis and Kelly (the coolest show ever, maybe)... all that good stuff. so, that night we returned to our houses to discuss the new york prospects. low and behold, jonathan's mother agreed. she even looked up flight info. my mother concurred. the next morning my mother received numerous e-mails (from both the manns) about our big trip. that afternoon i was informed that i would indeed be travelling to new york. total time elapsed: 15 hours or so. i, flabbergasted, have still not fully comprehended the fact that jonthan, his mom and i are on our way to the big apple in about a month. w00t w00t!

as a side note, allison and elizabeth should really refrain from walking to my house for eggs. please, practice some self-control, ladies!

by the way, meg is back in town and the volvo fleet's flagship has returned. her admirers have not begun to flock to our house...yet. i've still got a few more days until the maddness begins.

May 5, 2004

cinco de mayo fiesta... in my head

5:14 AM- Sarah awoke
5:30 AM- Sarah ate breakfast because she was unusually hungry for such an earlier hour
6:03- Sarah began staring at her AP book
6:29- Sarah broke up a cat fight
6:33- Sarah started thinking about looking at her AP book
8:05- she realized that she had actually began doing productive useful work for around an hour and a half and decided to waste some much-needed studying time by staring at a blue wall with a little bit of pink still showing through
9:20- Sarah had covered through the middle ages and renaissance. w00t!
10:02- Sarah decided to groom herself
10:23- Sarah and her mother depart from their residence to retrieve that which is ALLISON
11:09- It has been proclaimed throughout the land that the Silver Bullet containing Allison, Sarah and Sarah's mother Liz is full of crazies eating french fries
12- Sarah's ultimate vision of hell begins
4 PM- Sarah's preview of hell ended
4:55- Sarah arrived at home and began to chug a Diet Coke like there was no tomorrow
6:30- Jonathan arrived at the protagonist's house to wisk her away to a cinco de mayo party at Chevy's

the Cinco de mayo party raged on until the wee hours of the morn, when all the fiesta-ers realized that it was no longer cinco de mayo but instead the 6th of may which everyone knows is not special at all (unless of course it is your birthday or you live in austrailia where every day is a holiday).

Viva Avocados and Salsa! what? i'm not obsessed with enrique. who told you that?!?! did he say something about me?!?!