Feb 28, 2004

hershey kisses. a lot.

hm. here's what i've done today: 1. play zuma
yeah, that's about all. well, i'm thinking its time to spend some of that birthday/christmas money that's been burning a hole in my pocket. i'm surprised that moola is still around, what with me going out almost every night. it was a check, though. saw the passion of the christ- wow, that was really powerful. i didn't think they'd actually show the nail going into the hands and feet. i just didn't need to see that. gross. yesterday i went bike/walk/lollygagging around with jane, jonathan and liz the shiz. that was cool. especially when hershey was all over elizabeth's butt. fun all around. yeah, then i got locked in jonathan's pantry. then, jane, jonathan and i went to pf changs. more fun for everyone. next on the agenda: puccino's and seeing fr. joe (p.s. seeing your priest out = weird). hmm. "home alone" at my house. vh1 100 greatest one hit wonders until 2 in the morning followed by zuma until 3:30. yes, i know, i lead a sad, sad life.

it's okay. i know that you wish you could be me.

Feb 24, 2004

"I was going to spank [him] like his mommy had never spanked him..." Vanity Fair January 2004

Whoa, today was definately not Sunday. It was Fat Teusday; the day of fat. So, what did I do today... Well, i don't really remember. Jane wanted some weed beads, but alas, we were unsuccessful. Jandy went to the parades with me and Elizabeth eventually graced us with her presence. I was so glad she came; i was just hoping she would decide to crash my sister's party because she is the coolest person I know. Eventually, she had to leave and I cried and cried while Jandy comforted me (If you call comforting stealing all my beads, but whatever...). Yeah so the second I got home I called Elizabeth and asked her if she wanted to come watch a movie with Jandy, Jane, and my myself. At first she said she wasn't sure and that she might have to babysit, and I was devestated, but she came anyway (YES!!!). So then we all went for a ride in Elizabeth's super cool car, Lumiere- Maurice. It is the coolest car on the face of the Earth; i wish it were mine.

Yeah, so then while we were at puccino's, Jandy discovered these really cool hand dryers in the bathroom and I went to investigate and ended up projectile pooing all over Jane. That was not cool; I'm such a loser. But Jandy thought it was funny... ahhhh....Jandy.....He's soooo dreamy...like Elvis... the way his hair is all messy and floppy....hotness!!! He wanted to go cuddle with Elizabeth on the couch, but I had to put my foot down; even thought I absolutely adore Elizabeth, I'm not for the whole boyfriend sharing thing....Yeah, so we watched Bringing Down the House... I wish I was Queen Latifa.She is so pretty; and her name is really cool: LA- TEEF- AH. Latifah. Coolness.

So we saw Elijah and Dominic in Bacchus and Orpheus. If Jandy wasn't there, I would have thrown myself in front of the float and tried to mob them. I know how much they wanted me. They were giving me those hobbity looks. i don't know, I can't explain it...there's something about the big hairy feet that I absolutely adore!!! Well, sorry Elijah and Dommy, I'm taken.

So today was a very exciting day. Tomorrow Jandy and I are taking a break. Jane is very happy; she's tired of being the tricycle. But luckily for her, the trycicle has now become a quadricycle (shh...). Yeah, so I was just eating cookie dough and now Jane and Elizabeth are yealling at me for leacing "droppings" everywhere. Gosh guys, I'm not like a bird or hamster or bat or something, its not like its guano, its just little sweet chocolate morsels. Who wouldn't want to eat that?

Well, Signing off, this is Elizab- oops, I mean Sarah..... riiiiiight... sarah.....

Blog readers:
Sarah has vowed not to post again until someone comments on her blog. Oh what a sad few days it will be.

Feb 23, 2004

mobs, welts, beads, and spying on mr. parten.....a.k.a. mardi gras madness

i know that everyone has just been DYING to read my blog, but i've just been SOooOOooO busy lately.

let's see...


Went to a Hermes and Krewe d'Etat with Meghan, Melissa, Jane, Jonathan, Elizabeth and Roons. MMMm... parades. how i love thee. I was back to my usual bead rate of "overflowing" rather than "slim pickins" from the metairie parades. Yeah, not too much to tell.


Went to Iris with Jonathan and Jane at Kay's apartment on Napoleon. Good times. We saw Ms. Dubbin!! Yeah, didn't do too well at Iris, but Jonathan, on the other hand, was just racking in the beads. Plus, we walked past the mater campus and jane and i saw mr. parten and his wife so, we were like, "oh, they're so cute." and then he looks over and sees us staring at him so we had to sprint down the sidewalk to avoid him finding out who we were. that night we went to Endymion with Evie's family. We went to the Picknick, Pickiewicky, Pickwit... Hotel. Soemthing along those lines. We were right on the corner of st. charles and canal. we were on the balcony; it was all good except when jane got hit in the head with beads and got a welt from it. not so good.

fun/kinda scary moment of the night: when people on the ground below were trying to get me to flash and about 5-6 guys were just looking up at me waiting for me to flash for this guy's huge beads. good thing i didn't do it. i might have regretted it when got those same beads the next day without doing anything.

after the parade was over and the battle between jandy and the lady and her kid that was next to us was over (with us emerging as the victors), we made a mad dash to the garage where we proceeded to wait like an hour to get out of the parking garage and then another hour to get back to evie's. highlight of the car "ride" from level 5 to ground level of the parking garage- making fun of the guys behind us who were sitting on their horn, playing jock jams at like midnight in evie's crammed car, and then falling asleep on jonathan to "my heart will go on" thanks to magic after dark on 101.9.


thoth at my aunts with jane and jonahtan and elizabeth towards the end. I GOT DUCKIE BEADS, BIG ORNAMENT BEADS, AND 2 SPEARS WITHOUT FLASHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is quite a feat.

Bacchus- we drove over to jonathan's grandmother's house and met his family. margarita, portman and melissa met us there, and we caught the end of thoth again, mid-city (where jonathan hid from his jesuit jazz band that he dissed) and Bacchus. we had allison on the phone while elijah passed... good times, good times. didn't do so well at Bacchus.... only like 20 or so beads. but, we did see mr. howard on teh mermaid float, so we got bombed with a few packs of big beads.

Bacchus endnote- jonathan bought me pink, fuzzy, light-up bunny ears!!!

Today: watching "Seven" with elizabeth, jonathan and jane then heading up to jonathan's grammy's house for tonight's festivities.


Feb 19, 2004

Praise the Lord Plumbing Company truck sightings.... and other obstacles on the way home from school

So, elizabeth is driving me home from school, right? and we are this red light and i see this truck drive by that says "Praise the Lord Plumbing Co." There is a cross right next to a picture of a toilet. Hmmm... there are some strange people out there. Also, we saw some like 8-year-old kid doing this ganster walk, grabbing the crotch of his pants (which was empty...), and then he saw me looking at him and he winked at me! This little boy was 8! it was hilarious.

last night, i went to a parade with jonathan and we met up for a little while with his friend roger (who is not related to the lady who used to play flute at our church just because he used to play flute). we saw thor. it sucked. not only was it a very short, kind of small parade, but i only got like 8 beads. EVERYONE DISSED ME! my friends know this, i do not get dissed at parades. i get beads, roses, stuffed animals, bags of beads, requests to flash people... i am not one of those loser people who have like 1 bead around their neck. well, last night i was that loser girl who keeps trying to bargain with the guys on the floats, and they totally dismissed me. i got served :( it's okay. good news- there is no height restriction on jayettes, so my lifelong dream of being on a dance team might come true. however, i see no hope for ever becoming an octopus or a mountain-climber (partly due to the fact that i can't even get to the top of the Clim-Ax wall).

hmm... maybe i can take on olympic ice skating next. jandy said that there is an ice skating rink that is in Kenner.

well, i'm thinking excaliber tonight. jane might experience her first parade tonight! w00t.

in other news, Meg came in at 5:20 a.m. this morning and i was there to greet her. even if i was asleep until my dad dragged me down the stairs just in time for me crawl back to the couch and sleep for another half an hour.

p.s. got a new, cool watch. ask me to see it if you haven't already!

p.p.s. i actually got 2 cool, new watches, but apparently it's not cool to wear both at the same time. i've got to make a mental note of that, i know i'll forget one day and wear both. hey, if one is good, why not two?

well, that's my story and i'm sticking to it!

So, if anyone is in need of plumbers, check out the "praise the lord plumbing co." that is, unless they're actually drug dealers in disguise. then, don't trust the special brownies! even if they have vitamins a, b, c, x, y, z... not a good idea. trust me.

Feb 18, 2004

O, Spam, My Spam... How I hate thee.

Well, we all hate spam right? the endless notices about how my penis is too small, all the housewives that are ready to have fun with me, all the people who are waiting to meet me and go on dates with me, and all the prescription drugs that I can get (especially Viagra). Well. How can I compete with that, eh? There is no way that I can retaliate against these huge databases that I have somehow found myself on. It is a david and goliath battle that no one person will win. or will they? I found a blog that is creative in their hate towards spam. Check it out.

In other news, Mardi Gras is quickly approaching and I am now taking requests for my precious day and night plans. If you would like to schedule in, I have unfortunately lost my cell phone, so direct communication is probably impossible. Commenting, IMing, or calling up me casa are high on the list of reaching me. However, if you would like to send me a letter, card, or cool present, perhaps stop by my house... those are acceptable too. BUT, if you really want to score big, then you'll just have to do ALL of the above. Plus send me flowers. Yeah. Vas-y!! Let's get a move on! Time is precious.

In other important news, I have decided that I will confront Mr. Moser. I have not decided when, how or why. I just am. I heard him in the hall today and ducked into the bathroom to avoid confrontation. it's getting really bad. I have a problem. there i admitted it. BUT MR. MOSER IS JUST PLAIN SCARY. AHHHHHHH!!! hide.

well, the gus bus will be arriving soon. gotta run.

Feb 17, 2004

The fat man walks alone. The cheese stands alone. Hmm, I see a connection....

As I sit here in religion, here are some of my thoughts:

- it will be very hard to find someone who i will be able to spend my whole life with

- i should order those partypics from sweet 16

- i really want to get some candy from my locker

- what did i bring for lunch?

- i wonder if people want me to take salsa lessons!!

That's right guys, I'm still wondering, should i take salsa lessons? Only 2 people have posted comments about this issue, so at the moment i'm undecided. PLEASE inform me. updates on this issue next week (the sooner you comment, the sooner this will be more interesting!)

Mardi Gras is coming up. I'm thinking about what parades I want to go to. I'm thinking Thor on Wednesday, maybe Excaliber on Thursday, Hermes and Krewe d'etat on Friday, Iris and Endymion on Saturday, Thoth and Bacchus on Sunday, Zeus on Monday, and Rex and the truck parades on MARDI GRAS. So you can keep tabs on me. You should definately comment, call me or talk to me about coming to these. *hint hint, nudge nudge, punch punch*

I also want to go see "You Got Served," so anyone up to that should also contact me.

In french today, Mr. Neel Neel wasn't there, so (instead of having a free class where we danced around to Outkast) we had a free class where we made movies. I already posted a link to the one that i made for valentine's day. Allison made what about... yeah, you can check it out yourself.

I feel really bad about Jane being sick today. Like her whole family got sick. Hope it wasn't from the food at our house. that would really decrease my house's ratings. and i love the horstmans.

in other news, i've got to sleep soon, because i pulled an almost all-nighter last night and i'm living off a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch that i ate at 3:30 this morning. i'm HUUUUNNGARY.

Mardi Gras Countdown: 7 days

p.s. The Golden Rule should be LIVED by.

p.p.s. Zuma just takes time, portman. don't give up. just take a day off school and practice your skills. it will pay off in the end.

p.p.p.s. Melissa has made this movie in response to my Valentine's Day movie. Check it out.

My response to Melissa's movie doesn't really have anything to do with hers, but here it is.

Feb 16, 2004

Valentine's Day and the Horstmans

Well, as you all probably know, Saturday was Valentine's Day. Now my usual ritual of buying myself candy, watching sappy romance movies and cursing the male race did not occur. Instead, I slept late and when I awoke I proceeded to download 450 songs for the next 4 hours while I progressed to level 8-1 in the addictive Zuma. At 5 I went upstairs, showered, and got dressed, because I (Sarah Jeanne Bernadette Manthey) had a date for Valentine's Day. That's right, guys, don't pee on yourselves. Jonathan and I went to Bravo for dinner and then watched Metairie's finest parade- Caesar- roll by. I, of course, was totally into the parade and even caught some valentine's day panties! w00t. We walked to Puccino's after. Oh, and I got a present- a teddy bear with a little thingie of chocolate and a box of chocolate. They are almost all gone.

Valentine's Day summary << check this out

On Sunday, however, it was a completely different story. I had lunch with Jane's family. Her 3 sisters, Mommy, Daddy, plus Helen's boyfriend Steven came to visit Jane. I'm not feeling the love, fam. We all went to lunch at Galatoire's on Bourbon Street. I tried to sneak a peek at Jonathan in Carrolton, but we didn't see him. Lunch was thoroughly entertaining, and I have decided that I would love to be adopted by the Horstmans and I think I would fit in due to the excesssive tall genes of both of our families. After lunch, we split for a little while and retired to our separate houses/hotel rooms. We reconvened for dinner and had Semolina's and king cake. Mary, Helen, Jane, Sarah, Steven and I saved room for Sonic, though, because due to my Sonic enthusiasm, Jane had told her family about the roller-skating, drive-in fast-food restaurant with awesome cheeseburgers known to many as (dare I speak it's name?) Sonic. Yes, I have a small obsession with Sonic. Well, admitting is the first step. Yes, the Horstmans were very entertaining, and unfortunately my family's humor paled in comparison :(.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Countdown to Mardi Gras: 8 day!

Feb 10, 2004

Cheesy goodness

We lost our last game. Poor seniors. Too bad our basketball team sucks. In other news, I like TOTALLY failed the chemistry test today. It was unbelievably hard. Here's what I'm thinking- i might be addicted to cheese. In particular- nacho cheese. It's been an issue for awhile but lately i've been consuming massive amounts of cheese dip and cheese in general (i.e. doritos, american cheese, grilled cheese....). It's getting really bad. I think i might have to do the impossible. I might have to give up cheese for lent. i know what you're thinking. lent is a good while away. I could get fat between now and then due to my massive cheese intake (thanks for pointing this out jonathan). But, i've decided that this cheese issue has gone too far. I have to start incorporating things like peanut butter, bread, yogurt, apples, spinach, maybe even the occasional radish into my diet to balance out the large majority of cheese products. It sounds drastic, i know. giving up cheese. but i'm planning to wean myself off cheese so that when i have absolutely no cheese i will not shrivel up and die due to my dependency on the aforementioned. i'll keep you all posted.

try not to sound too excited.

Feb 8, 2004

As I am making a batch of "Ultimate Melt-in-your-mouth" pancakes thanks to my good friend Bisquick, I was thinking. I should take salsa lessons. I would be good at salsa, right? I've got the rhythm, right? Thanks to advertisements of "Dirty Dancing, Havanna Nights" I really been wanting to either: a) listen to all things latin especially if Enrique Iglesias is singing b) dance to latin music (a.k.a. salsa dance) or c) eat nachos. But then again I'm always up for nachos, so c isn't really due to the commercials. Anywho, I will be taking a poll of all those who think salsa dancing is a good idea. Results will be counted from comments made on my awesomely awesome blog and posted in about a week or so. so, get commenting!

Last night, Jane, Jonathan and I rented "About a Boy" (very good movie by the way). We had gone to Krispy Kreme and gotten not only 3 free donuts, but also 2 dozen! Jane ate 6. I had 4. Meanwhile, Jonathan had 3. Does this seem strange to you? I thought so too. I think Jandy is on a diet. Jonathan- if you're reading this, YOU'RE NOT FAT! You don't need to be on a diet. You should be eating more than me, because it's weird if i eat more than you. Okay, so back to blogging.

Let's backtrack. After a rousing game of JV and Varsity basketball on friday night at De La Salle versus Ursuline to which Jane, Allison, and Melissa showed up (where were the rest of you?!?!), Allison and Melissa headed off to Puccino's where they met up with Portman and Jonathan. I, on the other hand, was pouting during the whole trek from de la salle to my house, because my cell phone is now my father AND my cell phone (in all actuality- his cell phone that I might catch a glimpse of every now and again). Then after showering and changing clothes, Jane and I arrived fashionably late to Puccino's. After a round of Frozen Cappucino's, we headed off to see "The Perfect Score" at Clearview (<--- nightmare). Clearview does have very nice seats, though. The movie left me wanting a better end but made me feel pretty secure about the SAT if the crackhead could get a good score. w00t. I'm going to do just FINE in college. Well, I better hit the books, because I've got an awesome party to go to tonight-- my 2-year-old cousin's birthday party!

Feb 5, 2004


The Da Vinci Code really makes you think. I'm in religion class right now, but I'm beginning to think that what the book was saying is probably true. I'm also beginning to believe more and more that the Catholic church is unbelievably biased and wrong a lot of times. Religion annoys me a lot of times, because a lot of people just "pretend" like they are Catholic but do not live a Catholic life. For instance, I am not a hardcore Catholic who won't say "Oh my God" just because there is a commandent against it. I believe in a God that loves me no matter what. For the most part, I think that my beliefs relate to Catholicism. The other thing is that I think Jesus probably did have kids; I think that's awesome. Jesus SHOULD have had kids even if he didn't, because that is the image I like of Jesus- a loving, open dad. Most of the Catholic Church's history has been so hush hush and just CRAP. The church has made so many mistakes; it's just annoying that they keep being like, "No, this time, I promise we're right." URGH.

The other thing that really annoys is racism. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE THAT IGNORANT? The whole idea is so totally stupid. My mom can be racist sometimes, but she tries. Other people can be very racist, though. Allison's date to homecoming told her, "Look, Blackies." I'm like, what the FRICK?!?!

I just had to vent. I've been really upset about the whole racist thing lately. It's just aggravating. The Catholic thing has been annoying, too, because so many people don't even believe their faith, but just say they are Catholics. It's like "yeah, I'm Catholic, but i can still go binge drink every weekend and sleep with my boyfriend's best friend." Annoying.

Well, I'm sure no one really cares. I just had to get it out there. Back to religion class, for me.

I'm thinking thrift store shopping this weekend...

Feb 4, 2004

Copying "The Darkness" cd. I'm totally screwed. I have to read like 20 pages in my amazingly boring history textbook tonight. Last night's game was REALLY close. I scored like 8 points in the Varsity game! w00t! No basketball practice tonight, good thing- i have a history quiz tomorrow. Last night when I got home I just totally crashed; i was soooo tired. I should go to bed earlier. I always lie to myself that i will go to bed before midnight, but it never works. I talked to Allison about the weekend today. I think she'll be chilling with me a lot because she's supposed to be with her dad :(. I'm thinking maybe some thrift store shopping. I wonder if Jandy wants to come.... probably not. THE BASKETBALL TEAM HAS TO WIN THEIR GAME ON FRIDAY!!! I decided. Everyone should come. Sacred Heart vs. Ursuline. JV and Varsity starting at 5 at Sacred Heart. the more people the more pumped i'll be.

Other thing i was thinking about- why are the lucky charms marshmallows so good? they're kind of crunchy. it's strange how i like them so much. They're good in milk and out of milk. One of the great mysteries of life that is.

Well, algebra is calling.

Feb 2, 2004

"Ok post time!"

Well, I'm in yearbook at the moment. I'm sitting next to Jane, my exchange student, and eating a whole butt-load of candy and doritos. I've got to go to basketball soon, shiz. that sucks. jane is rockin' out. to weezer. I've been thinking that I should get a blog, because everyone else has one and i'm just a follower, an indian. not a chief. i wish i was a chief. Over the weekend Jane, Allison and I went to laser tag (yeah, you just WISH you were as cool as we are!). AND I WAS NUMBER 1! Three times in row, baby! you don't need to tell me that I rock, i already know. Then we walked on over to bennigan's where everything takes like an hour and everything is kind of sticky. hmm... i wonder. Allison's mom kind of forgot to pick us up. we thought she had passed out in a ditch; too many drinkity drink drinks. jane and i tried to watch mission impossible but then we both fell asleep in like 10 minutes. yeah. On saturday janderson (a.k.a. jonathan), allison, jane and i went to the aquarium where i shared my superior knowledge of all things fish. again revealing how much of a geek i am. then we walked over to the riverwalk. we went to this stand place where they take your picture and then put your face into these other pictures. so, it was all cool until the guy working there put my face on this picture with this woman's boobs hanging out and her booty shorts. i was like, "whoa, you're a pervy freak!" then jandy, jane and i went to the hornets game. then we came back to my house and hung out with elizabeth at my house and ate lots of cookies. Jane and i tried to watch "when harry met sally" but my dad thought that we were watching "soft porn." yeah, then we took some "peeping" pictures. hmm... maybe i shouldn't have shared that tidbit. MOVING ON! on sunday, we went to life teen and then elizabeth, melissa, portman, jane, jonathan and i headed back to my house to eat and pretend like we were watching the superbowl. then elizabeth brought jandy home and jane and i tagged along. i tried to steal jmann's name tag but got denied. then he threw us out of his house. then elizabeth accidentally ran into this lightpole at the end of his driveway. oops! then when i got home, i got online and he asked me out! w00t. so, now i officially have a boyfriend! whoo hoo whoo hoo. that's my story and i'm stickin' to it.